I'm trying to get OpenSceneGraph set up on visual studio so I can run through some tutorials and I believe my issue is that I do not know how to correctly set up the environment on visual studios and get the program to look at the library files correctly.
The code in question is just for a osg smart pointer demonstration
#include <osg/ref_ptr>
#include <osg/Referenced>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class AClass : public osg::Referenced
AClass(int id) : _id(id)
cout << "Constructing object " << _id << endl;
int _id;
virtual ~AClass()
cout << "Destroy " << _id << endl;
int main()
osg::ref_ptr<AClass> obj = new AClass(0);
cout << "Reference count before referring: "
<< obj->referenceCount() << endl;
osg::ref_ptr<AClass> anotherObject = object;
cout << "Referenced count after referring: "
<< object->referenceCount() << endl;
If I point to osgd.lib in Properties->Linker->additional dependencies this will build but when I try to run it a system error occurs whereby it states the program cannot start because "osgd.ll is missing from your computer", however if I point to osgd.dll it will fail to build and throw up the following error: "LNK1107 invalid or corrupt file: cannot read at 0x378 OSG1 C:\Users\Monkone\source\OpenSceneGraph-3.6.3-VC2017-64-Debug\bin\osgd.dll"
What am I doing wrong here?
Example here: https://github.com/mcleantom/so-79276056
You need to link against the .lib, not the .dll. The dll path must be in your PATH to work or in the same folder as the executable.