I am building a test system with Jenkins with multiple slave nodes. I have multiple test cases where each of them take at more than 15 minutes to run.
I want to make the system in a way that when I start tests Jenkins running each test case in a node which is free and at the end collects and summarizes the test results.
I have opened a Jenkins job which is general test-case job and it is parametrized where the parameter is the "test name". But I see that Jenkins is executing the jobs sequentially.
How can I configure Jenkins to run builds for the same job (with different parameters) in parallel?
simple syntax for parallel:
pipeline {
stages {
stage('Run Tests In Parallel') {
parallel {
stage('Projects Test 1') {
agent {
node { label "your jenkins label" }
script {
your test 1
always {
script {
echo ' always'
stage('Projects Test 2') {
agent {
node { label "your jenkins label" }
script {
your test 2
always {
script {
echo ' always'