I've a sybaseiq_file.sql file which contains the below code
select col1,col2, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY col3 ORDER BY col1) as v_order into #tmptbl from tbl
UNLOAD TABLE #tmptbl TO 'Vinoth.dat'
drop table #tmptbl
I want to push the output of the select statement to a file.
But while executing I'm getting the below error. Please help to resolve this.
dbisqlc -c "uid=XXX;pwd=XXX;eng=XXX;links=tcpip(host=XXX;port=XXX)" -q sybaseiq_file.sql
Error in file "sybase_fileiq.sql" at line 0
Syntax error near 'UNLOAD' on line 2
Resolved the Issue using the below re written Code
select col1,col2, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY col3 ORDER BY col1) as v_order into #tmptbl from tbl
select * from #tmptbl ># 'Vinoth.dat'
drop table #tmptbl