I have an audio-element in my HTML whose only purpose is to make an announcement to blind users via a Screen Reader. It's a DIV, but it's invisible to regular users.
The way to announce something is by creating an element with role=alert
(no other way to do it, there's no JS function to directly "speak" to a reader, for example):
<!-- This element can be dynamically added OR shown (via JS) to make a Screen Reader announcement -->
<div role="alert">This will be announced to Screen Readers.</div>
However, I can't have this "audio assistant" element be visible to regular users.
1) Can't use display: none
; -> the Screen Reader won't pick it up
2) Can't use visibility: hidden;
-> the Screen Reader won't pick it up
3) Can't use opacity: 0;
-> because space is taken up, layout must be exactly the same
I found this solution: https://stackoverflow.com/a/25339638/1005607
div {
position: absolute;
left: -999em;
This works great, it solves my problem. But it's a bit of a hack. I wanted to ask: Is there a better, more standard way to solve this problem?
I'm not sure if this is a "better" way, but this will hide it in place.
div {