
Is it possible to implement MediatR in the Aggregates (Domain Layer) without dependency injection (DDD)?

To prevent reinventing the wheel, I'd like to use MediatR in the Aggregates to publish domain events. (Un)Fortunately(?) MediatR works as a dependency that is injected into the classes, and not something that I can call statically. Therefore I'd end up creating a direct dependency on the library via the constructor.

I don't remember where I read it (and if I read it right), that I should avoid non-business dependencies in the constructors of the Aggregates.

Therefore, I shouldn't do something like this:

public class MyAggregate
    private readonly IMediator _mediator;
    public MyAggregate(IMediator mediator)
        _mediator = mediator;

That made me think deeply whether it was possible or recommended (Or not recommended) to use MediatR in the Aggregates...

Is there a way for me to use MediatR statically or should I implement my own Event Dispatcher?

P.S: Also, feel free to correct me if my understanding of the Aggregates dependencies are wrong.

P.S x2: I've searched Google and SO and can't find an answer to this. How to decouple MediatR from my business layer DDD: Referencing MediatR interface from the domain project


  • I should avoid non-business dependencies in the constructors of the Aggregates.

    Not only in constructors; your business layer should not have dependencies to non-business in any form; even static.

    What I do is just return the domain event from the aggregate to the application layer and then publish the domain event.

    Please read these couple of post to better understand what I mean:

    Don't publish Domain Events, return them! DDD-Application-Services-Explained