I followed the instruction on https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/ref/contrib/postgres/lookups/#std:fieldlookup-trigram_similar to install trigram search on my search engine. I added 'django.contrib.postgres'
in settings.py
and installed the pg_trgm
extension on my PostgreSQL database. The trigram search returns no result, but there is no error, just blankness where there should be search results. My search engine worked fine with icontain
searches. Here is the code for my search engine with trigram_similar
def query_search(request):
articles = cross_currents.objects.all()
search_term = ''
if 'keyword' in request.GET:
search_term = request.GET['keyword']
articles = articles.filter(Title__trigram_similar=search_term)
is a CharField
in my model cross_currents
class cross_currents(models.Model):
Title = models.CharField(max_length=500)
This is what my Django shell gave me:
In [6]: cross_currents.objects.filter(Title__trigram_similar='modern')
Out[6]: <QuerySet []>
The HTML page also returns nothing. However, when I do
many results show up. Any idea why my trigram search returns nothing?
The issue was that the default similarity threshold of Postgres is set to 0.3, which is way too high to return results for single word searches in my case. I find a threshold of 0.01 to be effective in my case:
articles = articles.annotate(similarity=TrigramSimilarity('Title', search_term),).filter(similarity__gt=0.01).order_by('-similarity')