Let's assume that I have the following service object:
class Foo(object):
def bar(self):
return ['foo', 'bar']
And this is the schema:
import Foo
class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
bar = graphene.List(lambda: graphene.String)
def resolve_bar(self, info):
return Foo().bar()
I am trying to test if the GraphQL Schema is correctly calling the method bar
in its query resolver. So, we have this piece of code in the tests:
from MySchema import Query
class TestFooBar(unittest.TestCase):
def test_bar(self, mock_foo):
mock_foo.return_value.bar.return_value = ['baz', 'qux']
my_schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)
client = Client(self.my_schema)
query = '''
query {
executed = self.client.execute(query)
#some attributes that I want to assert
assertTrue(mock_foo.called) # returns False
In the original ServiceObject class it makes some API calls to another service, which is already tested in a isolated way. And in this case, I only want to test if the GraphQL query bar
is calling a method which will return its supposed object.
When I mock the response that the service object returns as in the above code, and make the Graphene Client test runs the query, it gives me the 'non-mocked' response. In other words, it is actually calling the original method provided by the service object class and making the API calls, which shouldn't be performed. However, when I instantiate and run the ServiceObject class itself, it is correctly mocked and returns the ['baz', 'qux']
array, not going through the API calls.
Or GraphQL Client responses shouldn't be mocked at all? Is there any approach that I can use instead of mocking it?
I already looked all over internet to see how people do that, but I couldn't manage to find any possible solutions.
My patch
is wrong. I should patch the callsite, not the definition site. In this case, it will be: @patch('MySchema.Foo')
to accomplish the mocking of the callsite.
from MySchema import Query
class TestFooBar(unittest.TestCase):
def test_bar(self, mock_foo):
mock_foo.return_value.bar.return_value = ['baz', 'qux']
my_schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)
client = Client(self.my_schema)
query = '''
query {
executed = self.client.execute(query)
assertTrue(mock_foo().bar.called) # now returns True
Thanks to jkimbo who came on the rescue when I asked in the Graphene-Python Github repository.