I'm making an Add-in for PowerPoint 2013. My goal is to convert all equations that I find on slides to normal text, to change the font of those equations.
Because it won't let me change font while they are equations. I managed to find the equations, by iterating through text ranges and finding font name, they use "Cambria Math". So my question is how can programmatically change equations to normal text, Like the button in equation tools does? And it seems for some reason they removed "record macro" from PowerPoint, so I couldn't get help from that.
I tried recording macro in word and doing the same thing, and i got: Selection.OMaths(1).ConvertToMathText
, but it doesn't seem to be OMaths in PowerPoint.
Dim Application As PowerPoint.Application = New PowerPoint.Application
Dim Presentation As PowerPoint.Presentation = Application.ActivePresentation
Dim Windows As PowerPoint.DocumentWindows = Application.Windows
For Each Slide As PowerPoint.Slide In Presentation.Slides
For Each Shape As PowerPoint.Shape In Slide.Shapes
For Each Paragraph As PowerPoint.TextRange In Shape.TextFrame.TextRange
For Each Line As PowerPoint.TextRange In Paragraph.Lines
If Line.Font.Name = "Cambria Math" Then
With Line.Font
.Name = "Calibri"
.Bold = True
End With
ElseIf Line.Font.Name = "Calibri" Then
With Line.Font
.Name = "Palatino"
End With
End If
Next Line
Next Paragraph
Next Shape
Next Slide
End Sub
Other text here is changed normally, but equations the ones with "Math Cambria" font, are unchanged.
I also tried to get selection, then something with OMaths, like in Word Vsto, but, it seems OMaths is not part of the PowerPoint. This next code is actually supposed to change it to equation, but i guess if it worked, could have find a way to reverse it.
For Each Window As PowerPoint.DocumentWindow In Windows
Next Window
I got it to work with PowerPoint 2016 in VBA. I didn't have "Calibri" in my list of fonts, so I changed it to "Calibri (Body)" and it works. It may be the same issue you're having with the .NET VSTO Addin. If I have time, I'll build a example of the VSTO Addin and post the results as well.
Public Sub UpdateShapeFont()
On Error GoTo ErrTrap
Dim Application As PowerPoint.Application: Set Application = New PowerPoint.Application
Dim Presentation As PowerPoint.Presentation: Set Presentation = Application.ActivePresentation
Dim Windows As PowerPoint.DocumentWindows: Set Windows = Application.Windows
Dim Slide As PowerPoint.Slide
Dim Shape As PowerPoint.Shape
Dim Paragraph As PowerPoint.TextRange
Dim line As PowerPoint.TextRange
For Each Slide In Presentation.Slides
For Each Shape In Slide.Shapes
For Each Paragraph In Shape.TextFrame.TextRange
For Each line In Paragraph.Lines
Select Case line.Font.Name
Case "Cambria Math"
With line.Font
.Name = "Calibri (Body)" 'check if the font exists in your list of fonts; it did not work for "Calibri"
.Bold = True
End With
Case "Calibri"
With line.Font
.Name = "Palatino"
End With
End Select
Next line
Next Paragraph
Next Shape
Next Slide
On Error Resume Next
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.number
Case Else
Debug.Print "Error #: " & Err.number & " |Error Description: " & Err.description
End Select
Resume ExitProcedure
Resume 'for debugging
End Sub