What is the right way to override child component style from host component. I tried using encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
but i need to write the override stuff in style.sass file rather than host component. What should be the stackblitz
If you have control on the child component code, you can define a customStyle
input property:
@Input() customStyle: {};
<div class="child-div" [ngStyle]="customStyle">I am the child</div>
and pass it from the parent component:
<app-child [customStyle]="style1"></app-child>
style1 = {
backgroundColor: "red",
height: "150px"
See this stackblitz for a demo.
A similar technique can allow to pass a specific style attribute to the child component:
@Input() backgroundColor: string;
<div class="child-div" [style.background-color]="backgroundColor">I am the child</div>
from the parent component:
<app-child backgroundColor="red"></app-child>
See this stackblitz for a demo.
Otherwise, until an alternative method is proposed by Angular, you can use the ::ng-deep
shadow-piercing descendant combinator to modify the child component styling from the parent CSS:
:host ::ng-deep .parent .child-div {
background-color: lime;
height: 200px;
See this stackblitz for a demo.