After a collection is fetched, I'm adding "fake" models at the end, to make my flex grid work properly. Not happy with this solution but couldn't find a better one.
I want to support loading more models into the collection. So, on sync, I remove the old fake models (that would end up in the middle of the collection otherwise), then re-add them at the end.
onSync: ->
modelsToRemove = @where({id: 0})
console.log modelsToRemove, modelsToRemove.length
// this prints:
// [child, child, child, child, child] 5
// which is expected
modelsToRemove2 = @where({id: 0})
console.log modelsToRemove2, modelsToRemove2.length
// this should print
// [] 0
// right?
// but it prints:
// [child] 1
// and the cid of the child is actually present in the first list...
@add({}) for [1..@fakeCount]
How come remove
removes all fake models except 1?
edit: got it to work properly by using the cid
modelsToRemove = @where({id: 0}), (m, i) -> { cid: m.cid }
@add({}) for [1..@fakeCount]
The issue seems to be related to the fact that several models are exactly the same except for the cid?
The fact that all these fake models have the same id breaks #get
The solution given to me on Github Issues was to give them different ids, and a fake