
Hazelcast Near Cache not working with simple example

I'm currently using hazelcast version 3.9

I have tried several ways to implement Near cache and it seems I am not able to find the correct way. Below I have share my code and let me know exactly where I am going wrong.

    public class NearCacheExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException 
        HazelcastConfig hzConfig = new HazelcastConfig();

        HazelcastInstance hzInstance = hzConfig.getHZInstance();

        IMap<Double, String> nearCacheMap = hzInstance.getMap("cacheExample");

        for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
            nearCacheMap.set(Math.random(), i + "");

        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        System.out.println("---------------------------Before Sort----------------------------------");

        for (Entry<Double, String> entrySet : nearCacheMap.entrySet()) {

            Double key = entrySet.getKey();
            String value = entrySet.getValue();


        long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        System.out.println("------------------------------------------------Read Both---------------------------------------------------");

        NearCacheStats nearCacheStatistics = nearCacheMap.getLocalMapStats().getNearCacheStats();

        System.out.println( "Near Cache hit/miss ratio 3= "
                + nearCacheStatistics.getHits());

        System.out.println("Near cache implemented or not " + nearCacheMap.getLocalMapStats().getNearCacheStats().getOwnedEntryCount());

        System.out.println(" EndTime timeDifference : " + startTime + " " + endTime + " " +(endTime-startTime));


The output I am getting while I check for NearCache stats is completely 0. file

public class HazelcastConfig 

    public HazelcastInstance getHZInstance() throws IOException
        ClientConfig cfg = new XmlClientConfigBuilder("src/main/resources/hazelcast-client.xml").build();

        return HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(cfg);

Configuration at Hazelcast client

<near-cache name="default">
<eviction eviction-policy="NONE" max-size-policy="ENTRY_COUNT" size="10"/>

I have also tried changing cache name inside hazelcast-client.xml file. Nothing seems to work

On the hazelcast server side there is no changes.


  • @Tatkal

    1. map.set invalidates the near cache put don't put the new value there
    2. Near Cache only used for key-based access, your loop doesn't hit Near Cache at all. You need to change second line in the loop like this : String value = nearCacheMap.get(entrySet.getKey()); or change the loop to keySet like
            for (Double key : nearCacheMap.keySet()) {
                String value = entrySet.getValue(key);
    1. Even after change, you'll still see 0 since you only did 1 get operation, and it was a cache miss. If you repeat loop & stats print multiple times, you'll see this:
    ---------------------------Before Sort----------------------------------
    ------------------------------------------------Read Both---------------------------------------------------
    Near Cache hit/miss ratio = 0 / 100000
    Near cache implemented or not 10
     EndTime timeDifference : 1548313357643 1548313362527 4884
    ------------------------------------------------Read Both---------------------------------------------------
    Near Cache hit/miss ratio = 10 / 199990
    Near cache implemented or not 10
     EndTime timeDifference : 1548313357643 1548313367155 9512
    ------------------------------------------------Read Both---------------------------------------------------
    Near Cache hit/miss ratio = 20 / 299980
    Near cache implemented or not 10
     EndTime timeDifference : 1548313357643 1548313371688 14045