
how do i get the coords of an image

I need to create a hotspot on an image and i need to have something like this

I have a picture on the united states like this but i need to turn it into a hotspot like this but viewing the source i see this

<area href="#" title="SC" shape="poly" coords="735,418, 734,419, 731,418, 731,416, 729,413, 727,411, 725,410, 723,405, 720,399, 716,398, 714,396, 713,393, 711,391, 709,390, 707,387, 704,385, 699,383, 699,382, 697,379, 696,378, 693,373, 690,373, 686,371, 684,369, 684,368, 685,366, 687,365, 687,363, 693,360, 701,356, 708,355, 724,355, 727,356, 728,360, 732,359, 745,358, 747,358, 760,366, 769,374, 764,379, 762,385, 761,391, 759,392, 758,394, 756,395, 754,398, 751,401, 749,404, 748,405, 744,408, 741,409, 742,412, 737,417, 735,418"></area>

Is there a tool i can use my png image on that will help me get the coords ..otherwise this will take forever for all the states.....


  • If you had a source image that was, (for example) an SVG file, you could easily export the coordinates.

    If all you have is a static image, then your best bet is to use a WYSIWYG editor.

    For example, using Dreamweaver CS5, you can easily draw the shapes out:

    I'm sure there will be some random free WYSIWYG editor that has this functionality. Alternatively, you could always just download the trial version of Dreamweaver CS5 purely to complete this task.