
How to automatically attach device information to new email with MFMailComposeViewController

If you use TestFlight to send Beta Feedback, it automatically attaches a file called device_information.txt and this includes some basic information about the device.

I want to make a support button in my app, and I'm using MFMailComposeViewController to create a new email. How can I retrieve (or create) the device_information.txt file, and then attach it to a new email?

This is an example of what the device_information.txt file would contain:

App Information:
App Name: [App Name Here]
App Version: 1.0
Installed App Version: 1.0

Device Information:
Device: iPhone6,2
iOS Version: 12.1.2
Language: en-AU (English)
Carrier: [Carrier Here]
Timezone: [Timezone Here]
Architecture: N/A
Connection Status: Cellular data
Paired Apple Watch: N/A

How does TestFlight achieve this? It must be possible, so if anyone can guide me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it.


  • You can find most of this information in UIDevice class

    You can than append the needed information to the mail text like this :

       MFMailComposeViewController *controller = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];
       controller.mailComposeDelegate = self;
       [controller setMessageBody:"your message here" isHTML:NO];

    or using attachment like this:

        [controller addAttachmentData:data mimeType:@"text/plain" fileName:@"test.txt"];

    in Swift:

    let controller = MFMailComposeViewController()
    controller.mailComposeDelegate = self
    controller.setMessageBody("My message", isHTML:false)
    controller.addAttachmentData(data as Data, mimeType: "text/plain", fileName: "test.txt")