I'm attempting to parse a response from the USPS CityStateLookup API and I don't appear to be modelling it properly, as I'm getting an "{"Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0."}" while parsing" error right at the beginning of the DeserializeObject call
My code is:
Class CityStateLookupResponse
Property ZipCodeList As List(Of ZipCode)
End Class
Class ZipCode
Property Zip5 As String
Property City As String
Property State As String
End Class
Private Async Function GetCityStateFromZipAsync(byval Zip5Code as string) as threading.tasks.task(of CityStateLookupResult)
Dim result As New CityStateLookupResponse
Dim client As New HttpClient() With {
.BaseAddress = New Uri("http://production.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPI.dll")
Dim arguments As String = "?API=CityStateLookup&XML=<CityStateLookupRequest USERID=""{0}""><ZipCode ID= ""{1}""><Zip5>{2}</Zip5></ZipCode></CityStateLookupRequest>"
arguments = String.Format(arguments, "<My User ID>", 0, Zip5Code)
response = Await client.GetAsync(arguments)
If Not response.IsSuccessStatusCode Then
Return result
End If
myContent = Await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync
result = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of CityStateLookupResponse)(myContent)
end function
The returned XML for the same API call in a browser is:
<ZipCode ID="0">
What am I doing wrong in the class definition for CityStateLookupResponse? (Or is there a better way to go about this altogether?)
Haven't looked at VB in a while but it appears you are using the wrong method for deserializing XML. The method you are using is meant for JSON.
For XML deserialization use DeserializeXmlNode.