I have been learning Prolog in my spare time for about 8 months to a year and now I am moving on to tackle implementing some of the classic data structures and algorithms .
I am interested in achieving a doubly linked list in Prolog, but quite baffled as to how to proceed . I was attracted to Prolog because I am interested in "logical purity" .
It seems that I am so accommodated to the object-oriented paradigm that beyond the simple I just cannot proceed without it !
For reference by doubly linked list I mean something similar to what is described in this link :
What makes it a doubly-linked list is that it has two links rather than one, a reference to the previous and the next item in the list. So we could make a node(Value, Previous, Next)
struct and make the list manually like so: A = node(1, nil, B), B = node(2, A, nil).
. We could make longer lists the analogous way, just creating more intermediate variables.
Translating that back into a "normal" list would look something like this:
dl2list(node(X, _, nil), [X]).
dl2list(node(A, _, node(X,Y,Z)), [A|Rest]) :- dl2list(node(X,Y,Z), Rest).
This makes no particular use of the "previous" pointer, but you can see it works:
?- A = node(1, nil, B),
B = node(2, A, C),
C = node(3, B, D),
D = node(4, C, nil),
dl2list(A, L).
A = node(1, nil, _S1), % where
_S1 = node(2, node(1, nil, _S1), _S2),
_S2 = node(3, _S1, node(4, _S2, nil)),
B = node(2, node(1, nil, _S1), _S2),
C = node(3, _S1, node(4, _S2, nil)),
D = node(4, _S2, nil),
L = [1, 2, 3, 4] .
We could also build backwards, starting from the end:
dl2listrev(node(X, nil, _), [X]).
dl2listrev(node(A, node(X,Y,Z), _), [A|Rest]) :- dl2listrev(node(X,Y,Z), Rest).
?- A = node(1, nil, B),
B = node(2, A, C),
C = node(3, B, D),
D = node(4, C, nil),
dl2listrev(D, L).
A = node(1, nil, _S1), % where
_S1 = node(2, node(1, nil, _S1), _S2),
_S2 = node(3, _S1, node(4, _S2, nil)),
B = node(2, node(1, nil, _S1), _S2),
C = node(3, _S1, node(4, _S2, nil)),
D = node(4, _S2, nil),
L = [4, 3, 2, 1]
To construct a doubly-linked list from a list, you need something a little stronger than either of these:
l2dl(L, DL) :- l2dl(L, DL, nil).
l2dl([X], node(X, Prev, nil), Prev).
l2dl([X,Y|Xs], node(X, Prev, Next), Prev) :-
l2dl([Y|Xs], Next, node(X, Prev, Next)).
This you can see working in both directions here:
?- l2dl([1,2,3,4], X), dl2list(X, L).
X = node(1, nil, node(2, _S1, node(3, _S2, _S3))), % where
_S1 = node(1, nil, node(2, _S1, node(3, _S2, _S3))),
_S2 = node(2, _S1, node(3, _S2, _S3)),
_S3 = node(4, node(3, _S2, _S3), nil),
L = [1, 2, 3, 4]
and here:
?- A = node(1, nil, B),
B = node(2, A, C),
C = node(3, B, D),
D = node(4, C, nil),
l2dl(L, A).
A = node(1, nil, _S1), % where
_S1 = node(2, node(1, nil, _S1), _S2),
_S2 = node(3, _S1, node(4, _S2, nil)),
B = node(2, node(1, nil, _S1), _S2),
C = node(3, _S1, node(4, _S2, nil)),
D = node(4, _S2, nil),
L = [1, 2, 3, 4]