I want my C library to be able to call a JS function multiple times. I got it to work using Nan but am having trouble converting it to N-API/node-addon-api.
How do I save a JS callback function and call it later from C?
Here's what I have using Nan:
Persistent<Function> r_log;
void sendLogMessageToJS(char* msg) {
if (!r_log.IsEmpty()) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::GetCurrent();
Local<Function> func = Local<Function>::New(isolate, r_log);
if (!func.IsEmpty()) {
const unsigned argc = 1;
Local<Value> argv[argc] = {
String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, msg)
func->Call(Null(isolate), argc, argv);
NAN_METHOD(register_logger) {
Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate();
if (info[0]->IsFunction()) {
Local<Function> func = Local<Function>::Cast(info[0]);
Function * ptr = *func;
r_log.Reset(isolate, func);
} else {
How do I do the equivalent with node-addon-api? All the examples I've seen immediately call the callback or use AsyncWorker to somehow save the callback. I can't figure out how AsyncWorker is doing it.
I got an answer from the node-addon-api maintainers which led me to this solution:
FunctionReference r_log;
void emitLogInJS(char* msg) {
if (r_log != nullptr) {
const Env env = r_log.Env();
const String message = String::New(env, msg);
const std::vector<napi_value> args = {message};
void register_logger(const CallbackInfo& info) {
r_log = Persistent(info[0].As<Function>());