Can anyone point me to the documentation and API reference for Eclipse WTP. I simply cannot seem to find it either on Google or in the Eclipse documentation.
I am looking for the API reference for the various components like WST, JST, Server API, etc. But I can't find their javadoc in the eclipse help file where it is usually present. Can you point me to those?
There isn't really a consolidated developer guide and API reference. There are various articles covering a variety of topics and then there is javadoc (mostly accessed by installing WTP source bundles). I recommend installing the WTP SDK features. This will give you the source bundles. That should also add some developer guide content under help too.
Once you have access to source/javadoc, you will want to search for references to docs on specific topics or ask here. Things like adding facet, adding new server type, etc. If you describe what you are trying to do, someone may be able to point you at an article or a wiki.
You can use the following repository to install WTP SDK: