To my surprise, the validation event structure (shown below) seemed to conform to native event grid schema and not cloud event schema:
"id": "6309ef83-117f-47aa-a07c-50f6e71a8ca5",
"topic": "/subscriptions/13ad1203-e6d5-4076-bf2b-73465865f9f0/resourceGroups/xxxx-sandbox-rg/providers/Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/eg-xxx-test-cloud-domain/topics/eg-xxx-test-cloud-topic",
"subject": "",
"data": {
"validationCode": "391889BB-FCC3-4269-A2BD-0918B5BAB0AE",
"validationUrl": "[Hidden Credential]"
"eventType": "Microsoft.EventGrid.SubscriptionValidationEvent",
"eventTime": "2019-01-30T15:45:37.0521594Z",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"dataVersion": "2"
I expected following subscription validation event that conforms to cloud event schema (based on the 0.1 version of cloud event schema at
"eventID" : "6309ef83-117f-47aa-a07c-50f6e71a8ca5",
"source" : "/subscriptions/13ad1203-e6d5-4076-bf2b-73465865f9f0/resourceGroups/xxxx-sandbox-rg/providers/Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/eg-xxx-test-cloud-domain/topics/eg-xxx-test-cloud-topic",
"data": {
"validationCode": "391889BB-FCC3-4269-A2BD-0918B5BAB0AE",
"validationUrl": "[Hidden Credential]"
"eventType" : "Microsoft.EventGrid.SubscriptionValidationEvent",
"eventTime" : "2019-01-30T15:45:37.0521594Z",
"cloudEventsVersion" : "0.1",
"eventTypeVersion" : "2",
What am I missing thing?
Basically, the webhook subscriber is handling the following two groups of the events. The specific event type is stored in the http header 'aeg-event-type'.
Internal events of the Event Grid model such as the eventTypes SubscriptionValidation and SubscriptionDeletion. The schema for these event types are always the same as a default schema such as an EventGridSchema. In other words, it's not depended on the EventDeliverySchema. IMO, having the default schema for internal events is making a strong event types specially when we have a CustomInputSchema.
Interest source events (topics) are events defined by input schema and presently the Event Grid model supports 3 types such as EventGridSchema (default), CloudEventSchema and CustomInputSchema. The AEG supports the following schema input/output mappings:
The event type in the header is: aeg-event-type=Notification and the schema is based on subscribed EventDeliverySchema (see the following mappings).
Based on the above, for your scenario you should have a separate strong type objects for Internal events (default schema is EventGridSchema) and for Notification events based on the subscribed EventDeliverySchema.
The following is an example of the http headers:
Note, there is only a subscription name to figure out which an EventDeliverySchema has been subscribed. It will be nice to have an additional aeg header for example: aeg-subscription-labels to pass some subscription metadata to the subscriber handler.
As a workaround, we can pass to the subscriber webhook handler some values via the url query parameters, for instance: &eds=CustomInputSchema