I have a design related question.
I have a bill to add product. One product is added per line. One Product added per line image
When I add a product, I also display its warranty in the Warranty column:
Selected product shows warranty in Warranty Column
But when I add any other product, I cannot display its Warranty. Cannot Display Warranty in subsequent products
My HTML where dropdown options are coming dynamically:
<tbody style="border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.35); height: 34px; line-height: 34px;">
<tr class="text-center">
<select id="myDropdown" name="bill_product[]" onChange="dropdownTip(this.value)">
<option disabled selected value="">Select Product</option>
<option id="1" value="31/01/2020">Product #1</option>
<option id="2" value="31/01/2030">Product #2</option>
<option id="3" value="31/01/2040">Product #3</option>
<input name="txtbox" type="text" id="txtbox" />
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs disabled">
<i class="fa fa-times"></i>
My JS for adding row to bill:
$(document).ready(function () {
var counter = 0;
$("#addrow").on("click", function () {
var newRow = $("<tr class='text-center'>");
var cols = "";
cols += '<td><select name="bill_product[]"><option disabled selected value="">Select Product</option><cms:pages masterpage="product.php"><option value="<cms:show k_page_id />"><cms:show k_page_title /></option></cms:pages></select></td>';
cols += '<td><input type="text" id="txtbox" name="txtbox" /></td>';
cols += '<td><button type="button" class="ibtnDel btn btn-danger btn-xs"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></button></td>';
$("table.order-list").on("click", ".ibtnDel", function (event) {
counter -= 1
My Code to display the warranty end date:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#myDropdown").change(function() {
var selectedValue = $(this).val();
ISSUE: I am unable to display the value of the warranty date on any product after the first one.
Please help.
P.S.: I am using CouchCMS to dynamically bring my values to the option tag of select.
Here's the solution I propose, I get rid off not-native JS by the way, it allows it to fit with any solution :
<tbody style="border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.35); height: 34px; line-height: 34px;">
<tr class="text-center">
<select id="myDropdown" name="bill_product[]" onChange="dropdownTip(this.value)">
<option disabled selected value="">Select Product</option>
<option id="1" value="31/01/2020">Product #1</option>
<option id="2" value="31/01/2030">Product #2</option>
<option id="3" value="31/01/2040">Product #3</option>
<input name="txtbox" type="text" id="txtbox" />
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs disabled">
// Line removal
let delBtns = document.querySelectorAll(".del-btn");
[].forEach.call(delBtns, function(delBtn){
delBtn.addEventListener('click', function(event){
let line = event.target.dataset.line;
let lineToRemove = document.querySelector("#line-"+line);
// Input update
let productDropDowns = document.querySelectorAll("select");
[].forEach.call(productDropDowns, function(dropDown){
dropDown.addEventListener('change', function(event){
let line = event.target.dataset.line;
document.querySelector('#line-'+line+' input').value = event.target.value;
// New line button
let count = 0;
let newLineButton = document.querySelector("#newLineTrigger");
newLineButton.addEventListener('click', function(){
let tableBody = document.querySelector('tbody');
let newLine = document.createElement('tr');
newLine.id = 'line-' + count;
newLine = document.querySelector('#line-' + count);
let col1 = document.createElement('td');
let select = document.createElement('select');
select.id = 'drop' + count;
select.dataset.line = count;
select.addEventListener('change', function(event){
let line = event.target.dataset.line;
document.querySelector('#line-'+line+' input').value = event.target.value;
for(let i=0; i<3; i++){
let option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = i;
option.innerText = 'option ' + i;
let col2 = document.createElement('td');
let textBox = document.createElement('input');
textBox.id = 'textBox'+count;
textBox.name = 'textBox'+count;
let col3 = document.createElement('td');
let newDelBtn = document.createElement('button');
newDelBtn.className = "del-btn";
newDelBtn.dataset.line = count;
newDelBtn.innerText = "Delete";
newDelBtn.addEventListener('click', function(event){
let line = event.target.dataset.line;
let lineToRemove = newLine;