
How to split a large sub file into a separate chunk in webpack 2

I'm trying to import a large file into a react project that is Chunked and Uglified by webpack 2.

Our code is split into chunks one of our chunks is 29MG. I want to exclude the large file from the chuck and to load that large file separately.

How do could I split the large file to it's own chunk with webpack 2?

my files

reactComponent imports a js file that has code to export the page to a PDF

reactComponent.js -> import createPDF.js

in createPDF I import a file that is very large and that file I want to split out of the check. that file isn't under node_modules.

createPDF.js -> import largeFile.js

Some of my webpack config

     entry: {
        vendor: [
        app: [ './index.js' ]
      plugins: [
        // compresses the JS
        new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
          exclude: /^2(.*?)\.js$/i, // exclude the very large file
          compress: { warnings: false },
          sourceMap: true
        new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
          name: 'vendor',
          minChunks: Infinity,
          filename: '[name].[hash].js'

is the a way that i could split out that one file? TIA!


  • I ended up doing this i'm not sure if it's the correct way to split packages but it worked for me.

    I added the packages I wanted in the separate chunk to the list in vender.

       entry: {
          vendor: [
          app: [ './index.js' ]

    all packages are going into vendor chunk except what is under the other folder

        new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
            name: 'vendor',
            minChunks(module, count) {
                var context = module.context;
                if (context && context.indexOf('public/newPortal/other') >= 0) {
                    return false;
                return true;
            filename: '[name].[hash].js'

    I made sure that only files that are under other folder are put into the the new chunk

        new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
            name: 'other',
            minChunks(module, count) {
                var context = module.context;
                return context && context.indexOf('public/newPortal/other') >= 0;
            filename: '[name].[hash].js'

    The large file I excluded from uglify since it was crashing...

        new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
            exclude: /^other(.*?)\.js$/i,
            compress: { warnings: false },
            sourceMap: true