
Adding a pre integrated cloud application on G Suite

I have a SAML-enabled web app, and many of our customers use G Suite as an identity provider. We have been working with each of them to set up a custom SAML app so they can use G Suite to SSO onto our app, but we would really like to be listed as a pre-integrated app, as described in the blog and the support docs.

After hours of independent searching and chatting with G Suite support, I've been unable to find any sort of application form to get my app listed. This process was really straightforward with IdPs like Okta, Azure ADFS, etc... and I can't for the life of me figure out how to do it for G Suite. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


  • After cycling through 3 different G Suite support reps, eventually one connected me to a different G Suite support rep who emailed me a link to a Google form where I submitted the details of my request. Evidently I'll hear back sometime in the next month. I would link the form here but I don't want to run afoul of the powers that be while my submission is still under review ;)