
Using QuaZip to extract .cbz and create QImages in Qt?

I am currently trying to unzip a .cbz file (basically a .zip file) and store all of the .png images contained in that .cbz file to a std::vector<QImage>.

I am using QuaZip to do this. I've looked at a few examples online and have tried implementing a few different methods using QuaZip classes documentation.

This is the code that I currently have:

// Store all files for later access given the CBZ file
bool CbzReader::loadCbzFile(QString cbzFile) {
    QuaZip zip(cbzFile);

    const QStringList fileList = zip.getFileNamesList();
    QStringList allFiles = JlCompress::extractFiles(cbzFile, fileList);

    QImage newImage;
    for(int file = 0; file < fileList.size(); file++) {
        QImageReader reader(allFiles[file]);
        newImage = reader.read();

        if(newImage.isNull()) return false;

        imageList.push_back(newImage); //save image to class variable    

    return true;

The variable allFiles contains 265 entries, however, inside of the for loop, it is returning false, as the newImage is said to be invalid by Qt.

What about this am I doing incorrectly? Should I use different functions within QuaZip instead of JlCompress?


  • It turns out that extracting the .cbz file resulted in at least one file that was not an image file, and a QImage was attempting to be made out of this, causing an error. I was not paying close enough attention to the contents of the unzipped file.

    This now works since I'm using a boolean expression to check the file extensions of the uncompressed files.

    So yeahhhh, my bad guys.