
Combine text + icon into a widget that will word wrap

I'm trying to create a help page for my app and I'd like to simply write

"Press {ICON} to refresh scores (or enable auto-refresh in the settings drawer)"

Where {ICON} is Icons.refresh

and have the whole thing word wrap if it does not fit on the screen. If it were all text I would simple wrap it in a Flexible widget or something similar and it would be fine. At the moment I have it in a row

At the moment I have it in a row, which causes a RenderFlex overflow (see image).

Row(children: [Text("Press "), Icon(Icons.refresh), Text(" to refresh scores (or enable auto-refresh in the settings drawer)")])


Any ideas how I can include an icon in a chain of text and still have it word wrap when required?


  • You Can use Wrap Widget instead of Row

    Wrap(children: [
                Text("Press "),
                " to refresh scores or enable auto-refresh"),
                Text(' in the settings drawer.........'),