I'm using Windows 10 and I've configured git to use Araxis Merge as the external diff tool.
When I do a git difftool --cached
everything goes well unless I have more than 9 files staged. Once I close the window for the 9th difference, no more differences are displayed and in my console window I get:
error: cannot spawn ¸°s?: No such file or directory
fatal: external diff died, stopping at Data/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs
The error occurs in multiple repositories, whenever there are more than 9 files staged.
If I do a git diff --cached
everything works correctly.
git version 2.20.1.windows.1
The same issue is with git difftool
at Windows 7. The 10th file cannot be compared:
error: cannot spawn i?: No such file or directory
fatal: external diff died, stopping at ...
I've found the issues reported and solved for next Git for Windows release: