I would like to draw a chart to my html, the chart I am using is google chart. However, while my x value is increasing, the chart is getting bigger. But I just want a fixed size window which increase both minimum x value and maximum x value. Like sliding window.
The attachment below is my code. This is the js code which updates the gets the value and updates the chart
// load google charts library
google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["corechart"]});
// for rest, walk, fast_walk data
var data, options, chart;
var xMin = 0;
var xMax = 10;
var i = 0;
/* initialize chart1 - rest, walk, fast_walk data */
function drawChart(data, options) {
var chart = new
chart.draw(data, options);
/* update the chart1 - rest, walk, fast_walk data */
function updateChart(percentage) {
i = (i + 1);
if(xMax >= 9) {
xMin + 1;
xMax + 1;
chart.draw(data, options);
$(function() {
data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
['Time', 'percentage'],
['0', 0],
options = {
title: 'Energy data',
"curveType": "function",
vAxis: {
min: xMin,
max: xMax
chart = drawChart(data, options);
/* reset charts */
function reset(){
i = 0;
data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
['Time', 'percentage'],
['0', 0],
options = {
title: 'Energy data',
"curveType": "function",
hAxis: {
viewWindow: {
min: 0,
max: 10
chart = drawChart(data, options);
I am wondering if it can be designed into a sliding window, so that the x value doesn't stick with the minimum value 0. instead if we want to see the earliest value, we can just scroll left.
According to the documentation at [https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/linechart]
/* copied from site*/
var options = {
chart: {
title: 'Box Office Earnings in First Two Weeks of Opening',
subtitle: 'in millions of dollars (USD)'
width: 900, //<--- set fixed width like so
height: 500
To get a scrollable
div,you can wrap your chart inside another div
<div class='h-scrollable' > <!---- chart code here ----> </div>
and for css
.h-scrollable {
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden; // only if you don't want y axis to be scrollable
overflow-x: auto;
Now, for the chart give a width depending on the number of x values you have. You could do a mathematical computation by taking the width of the h-scrollbale
div in javascript and dividing it by number of x-points you want in a window and then multiplying it with total x values you have and setting it as chart width.
inititally get the width of h-scrollable as let viewWidth = document.querySelector(".h-scrollable").offsetWidth
[refer : How to find the width of a div using raw JavaScript?
Then if you want to show 10 x values in a view, divide viewWidth by 10 to get one xWidth
. Now you can re-render the chart each time by setting width as no.of X values * xWidth
so that it scrolls accordingly