We would like to use WebSSO(single sign on with a single set of credentials) for a number of small in-house web applications using Windows Server 2016 - ADFS (active directory federation service) and AWS Directory Service. We had created a domain using Directory Service in our AWS Account. I tried installing and configuring ADFS using Server Manager Tool on a Windows Server 2016 EC2 Instance after performing a successful domain join to the AWS Directory Service. One of the screens in ADFS Configuration Wizard is asking for a Domain Administrator password. The admin user created by AWS Directory Service does not appear to be a domain administrator. So I could not configure ADFS on the Windows EC2 Instance.
I was wondering if it is possible at all to create a Domain Administrator in AWS Directory Service and secondly is it possible to implement ADFS with AWS Directory Service using SAML?
From the below AWS link, I think the default "admin" user is not the same as a domain administrator.
Any inputs on ADFS integration with AWS Directory Service for web applications will be gratefully received.
Note: I found links on the net to install/configure Windows ADFS with Windows Active directory but not with AWS Directory Service. I found the below link for integrating ADFS with Active directory for IAM users, but did not help us much.
We are interested to integrate our web applications with ADFS/AWS Directory Service for WebSSO.
I obtained the answer. AWS Directory Service does not provide a domain administrator account for security reasons. Windows ADFS Server 2016 can be configured against AWS Directory Service. We should use the Powershell commands instead of the Wizard to configure ADFS Server as the Wizard asks for a domain administrator account.
These are the steps:
The code below is to be run in a Powershell window(Run as administrator) :
Assuming that the active directory domain = corp.example.com
New-ADObject -Name "ADFS" -Type Container -Path "OU=corp,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com"
New-ADObject -Name "GUID" -Type Container -Path "CN=ADFS,OU=corp,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com"
$adminConfig = @{"DKMContainerDn"="CN=GUID,CN=ADFS,OU=corp,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com"}
$svcCred = (get-credential)
$localAdminCred = (get-credential)
Install-WindowsFeature ADFS-Federation
Install-ADFSFarm -CertificateThumbprint <Thumbprint ID> -FederationServiceName
"YourFederationServiceName" -ServiceAccountCredential $svcCred -Credential
$localAdminCred -OverwriteConfiguration -AdminConfiguration $adminConfig
-SigningCertificateThumbprint <Thumbprint ID>
-DecryptionCertificateThumbprint <Thumbprint ID>
Set-ADFSProperties -EnableIdpInitiatedSignonPage $true
The following url is also useful for setting up Windows ADFS Server with AWS Directory Service: