Assume a multi-line text file file
, with some lines beginning with the keyword baz
$ cat file
foo bar
baz qux # line to be deleted
foo bar
foo bar baz
baz qux quux
foo bar
How do I display all those lines not starting with the keyword as well as the n
last lines starting with the keyword?
If n=2, the result should look like this:
$ sought_command file
foo bar
foo bar
foo bar baz
baz qux quux
foo bar
I believe that awk may be the way to go here. Something along the lines of:
tac file | awk '{
if ($1 =="baz" && counter<=2)
{print $0; counter=$((counter+1));}
else if ($1 =="baz" && counter>2)
{print $0;}
}' | tac
What do I need to change in my above code to make this work?
You can't manipulate or access your Bash variables from Awk, any more than you can access a variable inside a C program from Bash.
tac file |
awk '$1 =="baz" && ++counter<=2 {print; next}
$1 !="baz"' |