I have the following dataframe
which is one of the output from for loop.
df = pd.DataFrame()
df['Score'] = [['0-0','1-1','2-2'],['0-0','1-1','2-2']]
df ['value'] =[[0.08,0.1,0.15],[0.07,0.12,0.06]]
df ['Team'] = ['A','B']
I want to transform each element of list of each row to each element of a column. The following is the expected output:
How can I transform it?
You can try of unstacking index, once after applying pd.Series
on each list of dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame()
df['Score'] = [['0-0','1-1','2-2'],['0-0','1-1','2-2']]
df ['value'] =[[0.08,0.1,0.15],[0.07,0.12,0.06]]
Score value Team
0 0-0 0.08 A
1 0-0 0.07 B
2 1-1 0.1 A
3 1-1 0.12 B
4 2-2 0.15 A
5 2-2 0.06 B