I have an empty in a Canvas that has multiple objects as children. More children are added to the parent as the game progresses. I want the parent to fit the size to its children.
I already read a lot about this topic, but every time I came across the ContentSizeFitter, which unfortunately does not work for me, because it needs a layout group, which I do not have, because the children do not have an order and are wildly placed.
I am using Unity 2018.3.4f1 Personal.
Not sized parent:
Sized parent (Red: New, Green: Old):
|- Empty
|- Child 1
|- Child 2
|- Child X
I have written a small piece of code that does its job, or does it the way I want and it is enough for me:
using UnityEngine;
public class SizeFitter : MonoBehaviour {
public void CheckForChanges() {
RectTransform children = transform.GetComponentInChildren<RectTransform>();
float min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y;
min_x = max_x = transform.localPosition.x;
min_y = max_y = transform.localPosition.y;
foreach (RectTransform child in children) {
Vector2 scale = child.sizeDelta;
float temp_min_x, temp_max_x, temp_min_y, temp_max_y;
temp_min_x = child.localPosition.x - (scale.x / 2);
temp_max_x = child.localPosition.x + (scale.x / 2);
temp_min_y = child.localPosition.y - (scale.y / 2);
temp_max_y = child.localPosition.y + (scale.y / 2);
if (temp_min_x < min_x)
min_x = temp_min_x;
if (temp_max_x > max_x)
max_x = temp_max_x;
if (temp_min_y < min_y)
min_y = temp_min_y;
if (temp_max_y > max_y)
max_y = temp_max_y;
GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y);