I'm trying to implement MoPub's Native Ad manually to my app in swift.
I was able to get it loaded successfully
Loan Calculator[4217:1022703] MOPUB: Successfully loaded native ad.
I have a view I created in the storyboard and it's connected
@IBOutlet var NativeAdView: UIView!
Since MoPub's documentation on this is written in Objective C, I have to translate everything to swift. Here's my code to load the native ad that's under viewDidLoad().
let settings = MPStaticNativeAdRendererSettings()
settings.renderingViewClass = CalculatorNativeAdView.self
let config = MPStaticNativeAdRenderer.rendererConfiguration(with: settings)
let adRequest = MPNativeAdRequest(adUnitIdentifier: MoPubTestID, rendererConfigurations: [config!])
let targeting = MPNativeAdRequestTargeting()
targeting.desiredAssets = Set<AnyHashable>([kAdTitleKey, kAdTextKey, kAdCTATextKey, kAdIconImageKey, kAdMainImageKey, kAdStarRatingKey])
adRequest?.start(completionHandler: { request, response, error in
if error != nil {
} else {
let nativeAd = response
nativeAd?.delegate = self
let nativeAdViewCon: UIView? = try! nativeAd?.retrieveAdView()
nativeAdViewCon?.frame = self.NativeAdView.bounds
if let aView = nativeAdViewCon {
CalculatorNativeAdView is connected to the .xib I created for this Native ad.
import UIKit
import MoPub
class CalculatorNativeAdView: UIView, MPNativeAdRendering {
@IBOutlet var titleLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet var mainTextLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet var mainImageView: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet var iconImageView: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet var callToActionLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet var privacyInformationIconImageView: UIImageView!
override func layoutSubviews() {
// layout your views
func nativeMainTextLabel() -> UILabel? {
return mainTextLabel
func nativeTitleTextLabel() -> UILabel? {
return titleLabel
func nativeCallToActionTextLabel() -> UILabel? {
return callToActionLabel
func nativeIconImageView() -> UIImageView? {
return iconImageView
func nativeMainImageView() -> UIImageView? {
return mainImageView
func nativePrivacyInformationIconImageView() -> UIImageView? {
return privacyInformationIconImageView
I added MPNativeAdDelegate to the viewController and added viewControllerForPresentingModalView()
func viewControllerForPresentingModalView() -> UIViewController! {
return self
The NativeAdView has a frame so I don't think that's the issue
Optional((0.0, 0.0, 260.0, 260.0))
The Ad should display on the orange box shown here
What am I doing wrong? Am I missing something?
link to MoPub's Native ad documentation: https://developers.mopub.com/docs/ios/native/
-- UPDATE --
I did some experimenting and I confirmed that the view is actually being added to my NativeAdView. I changed the background color of aView to blue.
aView.backgroundColor = UIColor.blue
This is the result.
The ad is still not displaying. Going to do some research on .xib files and make sure I'm doing that correctly.
-- Update --
Printing the properties of the response gave me this.
Optional([AnyHashable("privacyiconuiimage"): <UIImage: 0x283eadb90>, {20, 20}, AnyHashable("ctatext"): Go, AnyHashable("title"): MoPub, AnyHashable("iconimage"): https://d30x8mtr3hjnzo.cloudfront.net/creatives/6591163c525f4720b99abf831ca247f6, AnyHa
So it seems like I'm getting the information correctly.
I found out what I was missing. After looking into the MPNativeAdRendering protocol I discovered that I needed to add nibForAd() in my CalculatorNativeAdView class.
static func nibForAd() -> UINib! {
let adscell:UINib = UINib(nibName: "CalculatorNativeAdView", bundle: nil)
return adscell
The ad appears but without the icon image and the main image. But I believe that needs a different question all together.