I have a problem that I tried googling but most questions are about rounding down hours or minutes.
I'm checking birthday dates for users and I have two dates that are 99.3 years apart. That means that the user is 99 years old but this piece of code:
returns a value of 100. Is there a way to round the value down?
You can use this logic to get the correct age:
select (case when month(birthdate) * 100 + day(birthdate) >=
month(getdate()) * 100 + day(getdate())
then year(getdate()) - year(birthdate)
else year(getdate()) - year(birthdate) - 1
end) as age
This should be accurate, even in the presence of leap years. Basically it looks at the month-day portion of the birthdate and checks if it is on or later than today. The logic uses this information to determine the age in year.