
Tensordot for vectors in numpy

I'm currently trying to create a tensordot using numpy for vectors. For example, let's say I have the following variables:

a = [np.array([1, 2]), np.array([3,4])] 
b = [np.array([5,6]), np.array([7,8])]

and I want to compute the "tensor product of the vectors", i.e. [a[0]*b[0], a[0]*b[1], a[1]*b[0], a[1]*b[1]] which would give in our example:

a x b = [[5,12], [7,16], [15, 24], [21, 32]]

I've tried many combinations using tensordot along different axes, but it never gives me the results I want :((

For example, I tried the followings:


which gives me array(70)

or np.tensordot(a,b, axes = 0) which gives me

array([[[[ 5,  6],
     [ 7,  8]],

    [[10, 12],
     [14, 16]]],

   [[[15, 18],
     [21, 24]],

    [[20, 24],
     [28, 32]]]])

I also tried using different axes such as np.tensordot(a,b, axes = ([0], [1])) with no success...

Can someone please help me? :) I'm sure it's pretty trivial but I seem to miss something



  • In [663]: a = np.array([[1, 2], [3,4]]); b = np.array([[5,6], [7,8]])

    A simple dot (matrix product) of these 2 arrays:

    In [664]:
    array([[19, 22],
           [43, 50]])

    Your desired array:

    In [665]: [a[0]*b[0], a[0]*b[1], a[1]*b[0], a[1]*b[1]] 
    Out[665]: [array([ 5, 12]), array([ 7, 16]), array([15, 24]), array([21, 32])]
    In [666]: np.array(_)
    array([[ 5, 12],
           [ 7, 16],
           [15, 24],
           [21, 32]])

    np.tensordot is an attempt to generalize; for 2d arrays like this it can't do anything that a few added transposes can't.

    Your result isn't a tensordot in that sense. dot involves sum of products; you aren't doing any sums. Rather it looks more like an outer product, or may a variation on kron.

    With a couple trials I reproduced your array with einsum:

    In [673]: np.einsum('ij,kj->ikj',a,b)
    array([[[ 5, 12],
            [ 7, 16]],
           [[15, 24],
            [21, 32]]])
    In [674]: _.reshape(-1,2)
    array([[ 5, 12],
           [ 7, 16],
           [15, 24],
           [21, 32]])

    einsum like dot and tensordot is built around sums of products, but gives us a finer control over which axes are multiplied, and which are summed. Here, we don't sum any.

    I can get the same 3d array with:

    In [675]: a[:,None,:]*b[None,:,:]
    array([[[ 5, 12],
            [ 7, 16]],
           [[15, 24],
            [21, 32]]])


    According to the docs, the default value for axes is 2:

    In [714]: np.tensordot(a,b)
    Out[714]: array(70)
    In [715]: np.tensordot(a,b,axes=2)
    Out[715]: array(70)
    • axes = 2 : (default) tensor double contraction :math:a:b

    In other words, multiply the arrays, and sum over all axes. This is clearer, in my mind, with einsum notation:

    In [719]: np.einsum('ij,ij',a,b)
    Out[719]: 70
    In [718]: np.tensordot(a,b,axes=0).shape
    Out[718]: (2, 2, 2, 2)
    • axes = 0 : tensor product :math:a\\otimes b : tensor product a\otimes b

    I can see your desired result, or at least the Out[673] version in your (2,2,2,2) array, as some sort of diagonal subset.

    I don't use these scalar like axes modes of tensordot much. In a previous post or two I've puzzled over them, but I don't have a good feel. I much prefer the clarity if einsum.

    How does numpy.tensordot function works step-by-step?