Having the following very simple c program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
char *buffer = (char*)malloc(20);
And Compiling it with mips-linux-gnu-gcc
, it looks like the call is compiled to the following instructions:
.text:004007EC 24 04 00 14 li $a0, 0x14
.text:004007F0 8F 82 80 50 la $v0, malloc # Load Address
.text:004007F4 00 40 C8 25 move $t9, $v0
.text:004007F8 03 20 F8 09 jalr $t9 ; malloc # Jump And Link Register
.text:004007FC 00 00 00 00 nop
The full command line of the compilation is:
mips-linux-gnu-gcc my_malloc.c -o my_malloc.so
However, I would like the function calls to compile to just normal branch instructions:
jal malloc
li $a0, 0x14
Does someone know how to achieve this result?
You need to tell the compiler to use the PLT for call, using the -mplt
option. This requires support for the PLT in the rest of the toolchain.