I'm trying access elasticsearch cluster on GKE from my project in GAE - flexible. Since I don't want an external load-balancer, I'm following this guide: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/internal-load-balancing Both GKE and GAE are deployed in the same region, but the calls to the elasticsearch cluster timeout all the time. Has anyone done this and can share some tips would be much appreciated!
My service.yaml
file looks like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: internalloadbalancerservice
cloud.google.com/load-balancer-type: "Internal"
app.kubernetes.io/component: elasticsearch-server
app.kubernetes.io/name: elasticsearch #label selector service
type: LoadBalancer
loadBalancerSourceRanges: # restrict access
- xxxxxxxx
- name: myport
port: 9000
protocol: TCP # default; can also specify UDP
app.kubernetes.io/name : elasticsearch # label selector for Pods
app.kubernetes.io/component: elasticsearch-server
To save anyone else from a similar situation, I will share my findings of why I couldn't connect to my GKE app from GAE. The GAE was in region europe-west, while GKE was in region europe-west-4a. I thought that would be the same region. But changing GKE region to europe-west-1b worked. Not very obvious but when reading the documentation GAE region europe-west and GKE region europe-west-1b are both in Belgium.