
How to increase the maximum size of the AWS lambda deployment package (RequestEntityTooLargeException)?

I upload my lambda function sources from AWS codebuild. My Python script uses NLTK so it needs a lot of data. My .zip package is too big and an RequestEntityTooLargeException occurs. I want to know how to increase the size of the deployment package sent via the UpdateFunctionCode command.

I use AWS CodeBuild to transform the source from a GitHub repository to AWS Lambda. Here is the associated buildspec file:

version: 0.2
     - echo "install step"
     - apt-get update
     - apt-get install zip -y
     - apt-get install python3-pip -y
     - pip install --upgrade pip
     - pip install --upgrade awscli
     # Define directories
     - export HOME_DIR=`pwd`
     - export NLTK_DATA=$HOME_DIR/nltk_data
     - echo "pre_build step"
     - cd $HOME_DIR
     - virtualenv venv
     - . venv/bin/activate
     # Install modules
     - pip install -U requests
     # NLTK download
     - pip install -U nltk
     - python -m nltk.downloader -d $NLTK_DATA wordnet stopwords punkt
     - pip freeze > requirements.txt
     - echo 'build step'
     - cd $HOME_DIR
     - mv $VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/python3.6/site-packages/* .
     - sudo zip -r9 .
     - aws s3 cp --recursive --acl public-read ./ s3://hilightalgo/
     - aws lambda update-function-code --function-name arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-3:671560023774:function:LaunchHilight --zip-file fileb://
     - aws lambda update-function-configuration --function-name arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-3:671560023774:function:LaunchHilight --environment 'Variables={NLTK_DATA=/var/task/nltk_data}'
     - echo "post_build step"

When I launch the pipeline, I have RequestEntityTooLargeException because there are too many data in my .zip package. See the build logs below:

[Container] 2019/02/11 10:48:35 Running command aws lambda update-function-code --function-name arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-3:671560023774:function:LaunchHilight --zip-file fileb://
 An error occurred (RequestEntityTooLargeException) when calling the UpdateFunctionCode operation: Request must be smaller than 69905067 bytes for the UpdateFunctionCode operation
 [Container] 2019/02/11 10:48:37 Command did not exit successfully aws lambda update-function-code --function-name arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-3:671560023774:function:LaunchHilight --zip-file fileb:// exit status 255
[Container] 2019/02/11 10:48:37 Phase complete: BUILD Success: false
[Container] 2019/02/11 10:48:37 Phase context status code: COMMAND_EXECUTION_ERROR Message: Error while executing command: aws lambda update-function-code --function-name arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-3:671560023774:function:LaunchHilight --zip-file fileb:// Reason: exit status 255

Everything works correctly when I reduce the NLTK data to download (I tried with only the packages stopwords and wordnet.

Does anyone have an idea to solve this "size limit problem"?


  • You cannot increase the deployment package size for Lambda. AWS Lambda limits are described in AWS Lambda developer guide. More information on how those limits work can be seen here. In essence, your unzipped package size has to be less than 250MB (262144000 bytes).

    PS: Using layers doesn't solve sizing problem, though helps with management & maybe faster cold start. Package size includes the layers - Lambda layers.

    A function can use up to 5 layers at a time. The total unzipped size of the function and all layers can't exceed the unzipped deployment package size limit of 250 MB.

    Update Dec 2020 : As per AWS blog, as pointed by user jonnocraig in this answer, you can overcome these restrictions if you build a container for your application & run it on Lambda.

    Edit (Feb 2024): information on some of the above links no longer seem to mention lambda deployment size limit. But if you look closely on language specific zip style deployment (e.g., it still mentions the same limits for zip deployments.

    The maximum size for a .zip deployment package for Lambda is 250 MB (unzipped). Note that this limit applies to the combined size of all the files you upload, including any Lambda layers.