I am trying to convert finance period into datetime e.g. 201801 = 01/04/2018
201801 = 01/04/2018
201802 = 01/05/2018
201803 = 01/06/2018
201804 = 01/07/2018
201805 = 01/08/2018
201806 = 01/09/2018
201807 = 01/10/2018
201808 = 01/11/2018
201809 = 01/12/2018
201810 = 01/01/2019
201811 = 01/02/2019
201812 = 01/03/2019
Formula in tableau that works
DATE(left(str([Period]),4) + "-" + right(str([Period]),2) + "-1")
I need it in SQL. tried using convert and Cast but keep getting syntax errors.
CONVERT(date,(left(GL_master.period,4)+ '-' +(right(GL_master.period,2)+
As per summary.
Where I put '201801' you should put your column name - [Period]
select DATEADD(month, 3, CONVERT(date, CONCAT('201801', '01'), 112))
[Period] ?
We pad your "date" of 201801 out with another '01' to make it like a date format 112, convert it to a date and add 3 months after it's turned into a date.
201801 -> 20180101 -> 01/04/2018
This method works for rolling over years too
201812 -> 20181201 -> 01/03/2019