
pg_dump is available in AgensGraph?

I know the function "pg_dump" for backup and restore.
But I never tried because so scared.
Question is simple. Can I use that function for graph data?
Or Is the other function supported for that? There's no information in their documentation.


  • You may refer the postgreSQL pg_dump document coz nothing different from doing bakcup on postgreSQL.

    I referred the guide to create dump script with crontab and both dump and restore worked fine.

    In my case, I used pg_dump for creating dump file and restore it with psql. You may choose pg_restore instead if necessary.

    agens@karl ~] pg_dump --port=5432 --username=agens --file=agens.dump agens
    agens@karl ~] psql --port=5432 --username=agens --dbname=agens2 -f agens.dump 

    However, I no longer use pg_dump for backup task due to the incremental bakcup requirement. So I googled available backup OSS for postgresql. Among the options I searched, pg_rman is currently what I am using.

    It made me easier to build a scheduling script for archive backup every 6 hours, incremental backup every day and full backup every week and those jobs are working properly more than 2 months so far.

    Restoring the data on other severs is tested successfully as well.

    Hope this helpful for you.