
cElementTree with python not working as expected

I wrote a python script to read xml files generated from a software. I used xml.etree.cElementTree to parse the xml. It had been working properly, but suddenly today I find the script is not working. I do not think there was any change in the system, I only got a new batch of files to parse.

I tried adding the cpython/lib/xml/etree lib to my project directory, but it does not solve anything. Earlier it used to run independently, so I cannot point out the problem here. I am providing my code below:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
import os

scriptPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

xmlTree = ET.parse(scriptPath + '/../report/Non-text-searchable.xml')
rootTag = xmlTree.getroot()

rules = {}
rulesTag = rootTag.find('profile_info').find('rules')
for ruleTag in rulesTag.iter('rule'):
    ruleId = ruleTag.get('id')
    ruleDisplayCommentTag = ruleTag.find('display_comment')
    ruleDisplayComment = ruleDisplayCommentTag.text
    rules[ruleId] = ruleDisplayComment

I used to receive a well formatted associative array with id as keys and comment as values. But now I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "scripts/", line 12, in <module>
    rulesTag = rootTag.find('profile_info').find('rules')
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find'

Here is the file I am checking:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<report xsi:schemaLocation=" pi4_results_schema.xsd" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
            <creator>PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2</creator>
            <producer>GPL Ghostscript 8.15</producer>
            <created>08.10.2013 13:21</created>
            <modified>08.10.2013 13:21</modified>
    <profile_info creator_id="Pb484eb8c0ff7c39aa54c4359af092373">
            <condition id="CND1" creator_id="Cedb27d6db073644e1a44173737e1acab" property_key="CSCOLOR::isDeviceRGB">
                    <rule id="RUL2">
            <condition id="CND2" creator_id="Ca7fafdf48cebe54ed7ab5687c7988cac" property_key="CSIMAGE::BitsPerColourComponent">
                    <rule id="RUL1">
            <condition id="CND3" creator_id="C1b82e4dcd74de31c222ca3ae9adbb7c2" property_key="CSIMAGE::Resolution">
                    <rule id="RUL1">
            <condition id="CND4" creator_id="Ca463e359e2e0388210b50fc64e0b1dc7" property_key="CSIMAGE::BitsPerColourComponent">
                    <rule id="RUL3">
            <condition id="CND5" creator_id="C91457a5352d354fb9f52f49e7d310845" property_key="CSIMAGE::Resolution">
                    <rule id="RUL3">
            <condition id="CND6" creator_id="C0f6ff9d5de51924064d5e63877f70289" property_key="CSFONT::isEmbedded">
                    <rule id="RUL4">
            <rule id="RUL1" creator_id="Rd69191a9b161310be770bda424c2eb86" dict_key="PRCWzImag_ResImgLower">
                <display_name>Resolution of color and grayscale images is lower than 300 pixels per inch</display_name>
                <display_comment>Continuous tone image resolution lower than specified</display_comment>
                    <condition id="CND2">
                    <condition id="CND3">
                    <ruleset ruleset_id="RS2">
            <rule id="RUL2" creator_id="R283b33331e53df09691597fbd56cd772" dict_key="PRCWzColr_RGB">
                <display_name>Object uses RGB</display_name>
                <display_comment>Object uses RGB (DeviceRGB).</display_comment>
                    <condition id="CND1">
                    <ruleset ruleset_id="RS1">
            <rule id="RUL3" creator_id="R1331df8c5867727243d9fd6ea8d6dda6" dict_key="PRCWzImag_ResBmpLower">
                <display_name>Resolution of bitmap images is lower than 300 pixels per inch</display_name>
                <display_comment>Bitmap resolution lower than specified</display_comment>
                    <condition id="CND4">
                    <condition id="CND5">
                    <ruleset ruleset_id="RS3">
            <rule id="RUL4" creator_id="R04dd9c495da7506fdb7f46ecca066d81" dict_key="PRCWzXComp_PDFDocument_R_FontNotEmbedded">
                <display_name>Font not embedded</display_name>
                <display_comment>PDF/X requires that all fonts are embedded.</display_comment>
                    <condition id="CND6">
                    <ruleset ruleset_id="RS4">
            <ruleset id="RS1" creator_id="Sfdc5b80dba07ef2ecab005fcb1cae4cf" dict_key="PRCWzColr_RGB">
                <display_name>Object uses RGB</display_name>
                <display_comment>Object uses RGB (DeviceRGB).</display_comment>
                    <rule rule_id="RUL2"></rule>
            <ruleset id="RS2" creator_id="Sbd92dd53d1720e63b74d679a9a18fb4a" dict_key="PRCWzImag_ResImgLower">
                <display_name>Resolution of color and grayscale images is lower than 300 pixels per inch</display_name>
                <display_comment>Continuous tone image resolution lower than specified</display_comment>
                    <rule rule_id="RUL1"></rule>
            <ruleset id="RS3" creator_id="Sabac7ce3a018637df157249daadec742" dict_key="PRCWzImag_ResBmpLower">
                <display_name>Resolution of bitmap images is lower than 300 pixels per inch</display_name>
                <display_comment>Bitmap resolution lower than specified</display_comment>
                    <rule rule_id="RUL3"></rule>
            <ruleset id="RS4" creator_id="S935eda6d17880d284838826a0447a757" dict_key="PRCWzFont_NotEmbedded">
                <display_name>Font is not embedded</display_name>
                <display_comment>Fonts should always be embedded for prepress files. Fonts must be embedded for PDF/X-1 and PDF/X-3 files.</display_comment>
                    <rule rule_id="RUL4"></rule>
        <hits rule_id="RUL2" severity="Error">
            <hit type="Image" llx="35.94" lly="55.74" urx="576.0598" ury="756.0">
                <imagestate v_ppi="339.303" h_ppi="339.924"></imagestate>
                <gstate miter_limit="10.0" stroke_adjustment="0" flatness_tolerance="1.0" smoothness_tolerance="0.0" overprint_mode="1" overprint_for_stroke="0" overprint_for_fill="0"></gstate>
                    <trigger condition_id="CND1">is true</trigger>
        <product_version>10.1 (490) x64</product_version>
        <operating_system>Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS Linux x86_64 4.15.0-45-generic</operating_system>

Please help me understand the problem and how to solve it.. Thanks in advance


rootTag.find('profile_info') returns None..

I also tried using rootTag.findall('profile_info'), it returns blank array []..

I also tried using rootTag.find('{*}profile_info') and rootTag.findall('{*}profile_info'), but they also return the same results..


  • I solved this by adding the following line

    nameSpace = rootTag.tag.replace('report', '')

    this gives the nameSpace and I append the nameSpace to every tag i try to find or iter like so:

    rulesTag = rootTag.find(nameSpace + 'profile_info').find(nameSpace + 'rules')
    for ruleTag in rulesTag.iter(nameSpace + 'rule'):

    this works as I need it to.. I think the xml is now generated with namespace, and so every tag requires the namespace to be appended before it.