
Turn off "builders" in MapStruct when using Immutables

How do I completely disable using "builders" in MapStruct? I don't want to use them at all as they are causing all kinds of issues for me.

I created the service file under META-INF (I would prefer a way to assign it to the mapping builder= but I did not see any examples how to do it right in code).

It is still trying to use Immutables "builder" instance instance of the "ModifiableXXX" instance I want to map to. I'd even take a way of forcing it to the modifiable type if that is available.

In another mapping, using an update the ModifiableXXX (with @AfterMapping and @MappingTarget) approach works.

My mapper looks like this right now:

public interface MongoProjectMapper
    ModifiableProject mapModel(MongoProject project);

    ModifiableProject updateProject(MongoEntity e, @MappingTarget ModifiableProject p);


  • Completely disabling builders is possible via the NoOpBuilderProvider. You need to create a org.mapstruct.ap.spi.BuilderProvider file in the META-INF/services directory with org.mapstruct.ap.spi.NoOpBuilderProvider as it’s content. This will completely disable the builders.

    There is a feature request to make this more granular and disable it via @BeanMapping or on the mapper level. Have a look at mapstruct/mapstruct#1661