
Seed value in Weld CDI custom scope

Coming from a Guice background, I know that it is possible to seed an object value from a scope using.

  scope.seed(Key.get(SomeObject.class), someObject);

I suppose one could do this by registering a Bean that gets a value from an AbstractBoundContext, but examples just seeding one value from a Custom Scope seem hard to find. How do I create a custom scope that seeds a value that can be injected elsewhere?

Edit: I am currently using the following workaround, that can be injected in an interceptor to set the Configuration when entering the scope, and can then be injected through its thread local provider. I am still looking for options that feel less hacky / are more integrated with the scope/scope context system in Weld though.

public class ConfigurationProducer {

    private final InheritableThreadLocal<Configuration>  threadLocalConfiguration =
    new InheritableThreadLocal<>();

    public ConfigurationConfiguration() {
       return threadLocalConfiguration.get()

    public void setConfiguration(Configuration configuration) {



  • The answer is to register a custom bean with the AfterBeanDiscovery event, like so:

            .createWith(ctx -> commandContext.getCurrentCommandExecution())

    There is a quite sophisticated example available at