
Does Android Things support PS/2 mouse or have library for it?

I've just started playing with Android Things and noticed that I could not find anything about PS/2 support in its library. I am trying to hook up a TPM754 trackpoint module to my RPI3 so that I can possibly write a drive so I can use it.

As far as I am aware, the TPM uses PS/2 to communicate. Is there a way to do that in Android Things? I am not so experienced in programming a hardware so I do not see the overall steps I need to take to achieve what I want to do. So, I am learning as I go and would really appreciate if someone could give me a big picture.

Can someone give me pointers?


  • Seems easiest way is to use hardware adapters PS/2 to USB (like that), or if TPM754 didn't works via USB - pair of connectors PS/2 to RS-232 (like that) and RS-232 to UART (like that) (also PS/2 to UART adapters exists, but seems they more expensive), or more exotic converters (e.g. PS/2 to I2C).