
How to transform projection EPSG:3857 to EPSG:4326 in java (Geospatial)

Is there a way to transform a EPSG:3857 projection to EPSG:4326 in java? I'm using the esri java sdk. I went through the esri skd docs, but couldn't find a way to transform EPSG:3857 to EPSG:4326. Is there a way of doing it?

I have a webMercator like this: Point property = new Point(1.7040237624799997e7,-3099509.4953500014, SpatialReferences.getWebMercator());

And have a WSG84 like this Point point1 = new Point(153.089361, -26.802295, SpatialReferences.getWgs84());

I need to merge them and as those points have different Spatial References I can't display a map property.


  • I'm assuming you are using the ArcObjects SDK for Java? Then the following code should work because your Point class is implementing the IGeometry interface according to esri java doc

    Point property = new Point(1.7040237624799997e7,-3099509.4953500014, 
    Point reprojected = property.project(SpatialReferences.getWgs84());

    Because your Point constructor looks like you're using one of the newer Esri SDKs like ArcGIS Pro SDK or Runtime SDK I'm adding a solution for them too:

    Point originalPoint = new Point(1.7040237624799997e7,-3099509.4953500014, 
    Point projectedPoint = (Point) GeometryEngine.project(originalPoint, 

    according to