I have total 9 texture resources among them I need 2 resources together for a pixel shader. In that case what should be the texture slot start index if I need the 7th and 8th texture resources only. (e.g. Texture2D foo1 : register(t7) and Texture2D foo2 : register(t8))
void PSSetShaderResources(
UINT StartSlot,
UINT NumViews,
ID3D11ShaderResourceView * const *ppShaderResourceViews
EDIT: I have a wrapper class for managing shaders where I am dealing with multiple resources like below:
ID3D11DeviceContextPtr context = renderer->Context();
std::vector<ID3D11ShaderResourceView*> srvs;
for(auto texture : m_textures)
context->PSSetShaderResources(m_startSlot, srvs.size(), srvs.data());
I have found from this post that you may provide a resource collection of textures at once and mention a start index from where to collect them from buffer it's provided.