I am building a library to support System Dynamics (SD) like modeling in Modelica. Unlike the freely available library by Cellier et al. I am convinced that one may well make use of acausal connectors: Transmitting the stock value as "potential" via connectors enables to build compact components (e.g. flows = processes).
In SD we would maybe distinguish material ("mass") stocks from informational stocks that can become negative. To support this I am using the following definitions for a mass port (here giving the definition for a StockPort
- its the counterpar, a FlowPort
, would simply have Boolean input variables instead of output variables and is given later on):
connector StockPort "Used to represent stock and flow connections"
Real stock "Current value of material in the stock";
flow Real rate "Flow that affects the stock";
// Boolean switches
output Boolean stopInflow "True indicates that nothing can flow into the stock";
output Boolean stopOutflow "True indicates that nothing can flow out of the stock";
end StockPort;
The Boolean switches indicate for each port of a stock whether filling or draining is allowed.
For a "material stock" the stopOutflow
switch should prevent the stock from being drained below zero. Unfortunately in the following example this will not work out: The stock will be drained just slightly below zero.
The following TestModel
uses these building blocks:
function constrainedRate( indicated rate, stopInflow, stopOutflow)
is used to return a rate that will comply with the given constraints (i.e. boolean switches)
connector StockPort
as described above
connector FlowPort
the counterpart to the StockPort
model MaterialStock
a stock-component with one StockPort
that shall not be drainable below zeromodel LinearDecline
a flow-element with one FlowPort
(i.e. a Sink) that models draining a connected stock at a constant rate (here set to 1)The main model simply initiates a stock
with initialValue = 5
that is connected to a process
of linear decline with declineRate = 1
model TestModel "Stop draining a stock below zero"
function constrainedRate "Set rate for a port according to signals from stock"
input Real indicatedRate "Proposed rate for port of flow element";
input Boolean stopInflow "Signal from connected stock";
input Boolean stopOutflow "Signal from connected stock";
output Real actualRate "The rate to use";
// check whether indicated rate is negative (e.g. an inflow to the connected stock)
Boolean indRateIsInflow = indicatedRate < 0;
// set rate to zero if stopSignal matches character of flow
actualRate := if indRateIsInflow and stopInflow
then 0
elseif not indRateIsInflow and stopOutflow
then 0
else indicatedRate;
end constrainedRate;
connector FlowPort "Used to represent stock and flow connections"
Real stock "The current stock level (e.g. Potential) of a connected stock or flow data for special stocks";
flow Real rate "Flows that affect the material stock";
input Boolean stopInflow "True indicates that nothing can flow into the stock";
input Boolean stopOutflow "True indicates that nothing can flow out of the stock";
end FlowPort;
connector StockPort "Used to represent stock and flow connections"
Real stock "Current value of stock";
flow Real rate "Flow that affects the stock";
output Boolean stopInflow "True indicates that nothing can flow into the stock";
output Boolean stopOutflow "True indicates that nothing can flow out of the stock";
end StockPort;
model MaterialStock "Stock that cannot be drained below zero"
StockPort outflow;
parameter Real initialValue;
Real x(start = initialValue);
// rate of change for the stock
der(x) = outflow.rate;
// ports shall have level information for stock
outflow.stock = x;
// inflow to stock is unrestricted
outflow.stopInflow = false;
// provide Boolean signal in case of negative stock
outflow.stopOutflow = x <= 0;
end MaterialStock;
model LinearDecline "Decline of stock at a constant rate"
FlowPort massPort;
parameter Real declineRate(min = 0) "Rate of decline (positive rate diminishes stock)";
// a positive rate should drain the stock (which here matches Modelica's rule for flows)
Real rate(min = 0);
rate = declineRate;
// observe stock signals and constraints
assert(rate >= 0, "Rate must be positive and will be set to zero", level = AssertionLevel.warning);
// set the rate according to constraints given by stock
massPort.rate = constrainedRate( max(rate, 0), massPort.stopInflow, massPort.stopOutflow );
end LinearDecline;
// main model
MaterialStock stock( initialValue = 5 );
LinearDecline process( declineRate = 1 );
connect( stock.outflow, process.massPort );
end TestModel;
Simulating the model using DASSL from StartTime = 0
to StopTime = 10
reveals the expected behavior for the variable stock.outflow.stock
Unfortunately the value is slightly below zero at t = 5.0
and later.
Somehow the event (stock value <= 0) is detected too late. What can I do?
(So far the imo unelegant cure has been to use a when
event (state-event) to reinit
the stock value to zero. My experiments with using noEvent
wrappers on if
statements and Boolean conditions have also not been successful.)
Could you test this solution? Using Modelica.Constants.eps works for me. I also used Dassl and it worked for different stepsizes. I changed the following line from:
// provide Boolean signal in case of negative stock
outflow.stopOutflow = x <= 0;
// provide Boolean signal in case of negative stock
outflow.stopOutflow = x <= Modelica.Constants.eps;
Then, the output array(viewed in python for this post):
Output using a zero instead of eps:
[ 5.00000000e+00 4.00000000e+00 3.00000000e+00 2.00000000e+00
1.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 -7.37276906e-12 -7.37276906e-12
-7.37276906e-12 -7.37276906e-12 -7.37276906e-12 -7.37276906e-12
-7.37276906e-12 -7.37276906e-12]
Output using eps:
[5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]