
What does "quantifier free logic" mean in SMT context?

Even for simplest arithmetic SMT problems the existential quantifier is required to declare symbolic variables. And quantifier can be turned into by inverting the constraint. So, I can use both of them in QF_* logics and it works.

I take it, "quantifier free" means something else for such SMT logics, but what exactly?


  • The claim is that

    quantifier can be turned into by inverting the constraint

    AFAIK, the following two relations hold:

     ∀x.φ(x) <=> ¬∃x.¬φ(x)
    ¬∀x.φ(x) <=>  ∃x.¬φ(x)

    Since a quantifier-free SMT formula φ(x) is equisatisfiable to its existential closure ∃x.φ(x), we can use the quantifier-free fragment of an SMT Theory to express a (simple) negated occurrence of universal quantification, and [AFAIK] also a (simple) positive occurrence of universal quantification over trivial formulas (e.g. if [∃x.]φ(x) is unsat then ∀x.¬φ(x)¹).

    ¹: assuming φ(x) is quantifier-free; As @Levent Erkok points out in his answer, this approach is inconclusive when both φ(x) and ¬φ(x) are satisfiable

    However, we cannot, for example, find a model for the following quantified formula using the quantifier-free fragment of SMT:

    [∃y.]((∀x.y <= f(x)) and (∃z.y = f(z)))

    For the records, this is an encoding of the OMT problem min(y), y=f(x) as a quantified SMT formula. [related paper]

    A term t is quantifier-free iff t syntactically contains no quantifiers. A quantifier-free formula φ is equisatisfiable with its existential closure

    (∃x1. (∃x2 . . .(∃xn.φ ). . .))

    where x1, x2, . . . , xn is any enumeration of free(φ), the free variables in φ.

    The set of free variables of a term t, free(t), is defined inductively as:

    • free(x) = {x} if x is a variable,
    • free((f t1 t2 . . . tk)) = \cup_{i∈[1,k]} free(ti) for function applications,
    • free(∀x.φ) = free(φ) \ {x}, and
    • free(∃x.φ) = free(φ) \ {x}.
