
Android: ViewModel test using kotlin coroutines not working

I'm using coroutines for the first time and I'm having troubles testing my work on a ViewModel. The test fails with

Wanted but not invoked:
observer.onChanged(<Capturing argument>);

The test is the following:

val androidVersioningMock: Versioning.AndroidVersioning = mock {
    on { required } doAnswer { "3.3.6" }
val versioningMock: Versioning = mock {
    on { android } doAnswer { androidVersioningMock }
whenever(networkManager.getAppVersionAsync()).thenReturn(GlobalScope.async { versioningMock })
runBlocking {
    updateVersionModel =
        UpdateViewModel(application, coroutineDispatcherProvider).apply {
    assertTrue(stateCaptor.lastValue is UpdateState.NoUpdate)
    assertEquals(UpdateState.NoUpdate, stateCaptor.lastValue)

I have mocked the coroutineDispatcherProvider with

override val coroutineDispatcherProvider = mock<CoroutineDispatcherProvider> {
    on { main } doAnswer { TestCoroutineContext() }
    on { io } doAnswer { TestCoroutineContext() }

And in my ViewModel, the method that fails is

private suspend fun getUpdateVersion(): Versioning =
    withContext( {

which is executed like :

launch {
    val versioningModel = getUpdateVersion()

Am I not mocking something or not doing something? Thanks in advance!


  • The TestCoroutineContext dispatcher is useful to handle timing within tests, but you want to run asynchronous calls synchronously. You should be able to achieve this with the Unconfined dispatcher.