I'm writing a Lua-script for OBS, that continually recieves data from ProPresenter(another program) over a TCP connection. I use the LuaSocket library to make the connection, and i get the data as expected.
The problem is that when i close ProPresenter i can't get my script to register that the connection is closed, while i set the luasocket timeout to 0 (for it to be a nonblocking connection). I need the script to be nonblocking at all times, or else it will cause all of OBS to stall and the framerate to drop below 1...
However, if i set the timeout to eg. 1 second, luasocket registers that the connection is closed without trouble, and according to this example it should work when timeout is 0 as well. But apparently it doesn't, and i suspect it is because the example uses an older wersion of Luasocket, and that the newest version might have changed.
Here is my code:
Doesn't register that the connection has closed duo to timeout:
function recv_and_process_data()
local data
data, err, partial = s:receive()
if data ~= nil then
--process the recieved data. This part works.
elseif err == "closed" then
--doesn't get here because of timeout...
--inform script that the connection has closed
elseif err == "timeout" then
--goes here as soon as ProPresenter is closed
print(err .. " partial: " .. partial)
Registers when the connection closes, but makes OBS stall:
function recv_and_process_data()
local data
s:settimeout(1) --timeout set to 1 second
data, err, partial = s:receive()
if data ~= nil then
--process the recieved data. This part works.
elseif err == "closed" then
--goes here when ProPresenter is closed
--inform script that the connection has closed
elseif err == "timeout" then
print(err .. " partial: " .. partial)
This doesn't work either (as suggestet here):
function recv_and_process_data()
local data
data, err, partial = s:receive(0)
if err == "closed" then
print(err .. " partial: " .. partial)
If i can't get this working i guess i have to try and reconnect to see if ProPresenters server is still running.
I was trying to figure out this problem too. I found that a very small settimeout() value still returns an error you can use but doesn't hold the program up at all.
I use local Data, Error = Client:settimeout(0.0001)