
slf4j version conflict while building with Maven

I realised that one of my projects uses slf4j 1.5.8 and Hibernate uses slf4j 1.6. While building with Maven it downloads both jars but I guess the class files of 1.5.8 are used. So, when I run the program i get following error:

SLF4J: The requested version 1.5.8 by your slf4j binding is not compatible with [1.6]

In pom.xml I have put


The 1.5.8 is part of dependency so it's downloaded on its own.


  • As you discovered yourself, there are two libraries (Hibernate and some other) transitively importing SLF4J in two different versions. Unfortunately the older version is being picked up by maven (there are some rules which dependency should be chosen by Maven in this situation). The solution is to add the exclusion in the dependency that imports older version of SLF4J (com.example:foo-bar is example here):


    If you still experience this problem, issue:

    $ mvn dependency:tree

    Look for 1.5.8 version and exclude it from all libraries importing it.