I am able to compile my Openmpi code using gfortran compiler. The compile syntax I give is :
mpif90 -o mycode.exe mycode.f90
mpirun -np 4 ./mycode.exe
It works. And now I want to profile my code using Gprof. I know I should add the -pg flag, but if I put it after mpif90 it crashed. Where should I put the flag?
You can give this a try, see how it yields. Assume you are using openmpi. Create the following as script named mywrapper.sh
GMON_OUT_PREFIX=$prefix $*
And run your code with
mpif90 -o mycode.exe -pg mycode.f90
mpirun -np 4 mywrapper.sh ./mycode.exe
Test code of profiling MPI code (I am using C, but FORTRAN should work without difference) :
//file x.c
#include <mpi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int rank=9;
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
printf("Hello from rank=%d!\n", rank);
return 0;
Command to compile and run the test
mpicc -pg x.c
mpirun --hostfile hostfile mywrapper.sh ./a.out
For simplicity test, hostfile use local host only. The command output:
Hello from rank=1!
Hello from rank=2!
Hello from rank=0!
Then you get those gprof file, if cannot, must be mpi configuration issue.
├── a.out
├── gmon_0.out.2690
├── gmon_1.out.2692
├── gmon_2.out.2693