Hello there and thanks for reading my question.
I am looking into Amazon Cloudfront (CF) at the moment and need to define exactly the steps to setting up CF with our own origin server before I can proceed past inputting payment details. The basic steps I have been able to find out through Googling are:
The problem I am having is with step 2. Although Amazon describe it as a simple API call, I am still not quite sure exactly what this means and what I would have to do to perform this call.
A lot of bloggers/forum posters suggest using a third party software like CloudBerry - the problem is is that CloudBerry costs to do the CF/origin server bit and I only need to do it once (everything else after that can be handled by the AWS management console.
I have looked at loads of other similar pieces of software but have found them to either error on download or on install or not have the functionality I am looking for on the Windows version!
Now, this page describes how to setup the origin server manually (http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/) but I am still not sure exactly how this is performed.
Has anyone done this before and can offer some guidance or step on how to do this?
Many thanks in advance!
I had success using Fog gem. Once you establish a connection to the Amazon API, it was painless to create a distribution.
cdn = Fog::AWS::CDN.new(
:aws_access_key_id => YOUR_ID,
:aws_secret_access_key => YOUR_SECRET_KEY
cdn.post_distribution(options = YOUR_OPTIONS_HASH )
And with that you should receive a 201.
The documentation is great, too.